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Family Mediation and Dispute Resolution Services

We want to be a firm that helps resolve disputes respectfully.

We believe in mediation as a dispute resolution process, and the positive impact it can have for families.

In most cases, it is compulsory under Australian family law for separated parents to attempt Family Dispute Resolution before applying to a family law court for parenting orders.

We have our very own family law mediation practice, where we chair mediations for:

  • Parties who are unrepresented and are looking for a productive way to communicate to the other party without the need for legal represenation; and
  • Parties who have engaged legal representation and together with their lawyers, attempt to resolve their matter.

Debbie Clinch, Vincent Tan, Curtis Ward and Madeleine De Leo are all accredited as mediators by the Australian Institute of Family Law Arbitrators and Mediators (“AIFLAM”).

Debbie Clinch and Vincent Tan are both accredited family dispute resolution practitioners, and can issue s60I certificates.

If you would like to have a conversation with one of our Perth based mediators, please click here.

What is family mediation?

  • Mediation is an opportunity where a neutral, independent person (a mediator) supports the parties in discussing and resolving the
    issues in their family dispute.
  • In a mediation, we help you reach a solution.
  • Mediation is almost always a faster and less expensive option than going to trial.
  • With very few exceptions, mediation is confidential.
  • You can honestly and frankly discuss the dispute, what you need, and the options for settlements.
  • If an agreement is reached at or after mediation, it can take effect immediately.
  • Even if the dispute is not resolved, mediation reduce the time and expense of further litigation by helping to resolve some of the issues.

Perth Family Dispute Resolution

Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is a special type of mediation for helping
separating families to come to their own agreements.

FDR Practitioners

When a family disagrees about arrangements for children or finances, our FDR practitioners can assist. Debbie and Vincent are trained professionals in mediation, and specialising in family disputes. Debbie and Vincent are trained in working in a family law environment and in responding to domestic and family violence. They are also trained in creating a supportive environment, particularly for the safety of vulnerable people.

What is the difference between a mediator
and a FDR Practitioner?

Debbie and Vincent are trained as both a Mediator and FDR Practitioner. An FDR practitioner is normally a mediator who has done extra training in how to resolve parenting disputes.

Want to know more about Debbie and Vincent?

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