Collaborative Practice
Collaborative Practice is a process where everyone works together to help resolve the dispute between the two parties. To ensure you reach an amicable and mutually beneficial settlement, the lawyers agree that they will not engage in any court proceedings but facilitate respectful communication between all involved.
Financial advisors, family counsellors and collaborative lawyers work together to help you resolve your financial, emotional and legal issues.
The entire team meets with both parties with a structured agenda of negotiation for each meeting. If, one of the parties needs specific advice from one of the team members, this can occur separately.
This holistic process aims to reduce any anxiety and stress usually seen in family court proceedings and work towards a healthy outcome for your family.
Do I require a legal practitioner?
Yes. In collaborative practice, both parties must be represented by a legal practitioner who has been collaboratively trained.
How does this differ to other forms of mediation?
Unlike other forms of mediation, collaborative practice uses the skills and expertise of several different professionals to help you and your ex-partner work towards an agreement that meets both of your needs. Collaborative practice can include the involvement of lawyers, an accountant and a mental health practitioner, who all come together to work with you and your ex-partner. Collaborative practice is also an open and joint process, where all aspects of the process are done with everyone involved.